Thursday 18 November 2010

Initial search process/journey

In preparation for our Blog-project we used a number of exercises to help us come up with an idea for a customer need. We started off setting up a list divided into the beginning of the journey, the time when you are in your destination and after the trip, writing down everything one does on each part of a holiday or trip. The list included anything from packing and visa preparation, over mapping and finding a suitable restaurant, all the way to unpacking, paying credit cards bills and organising photos.

In another tutorial we got a list of technologies that related to our industry that could help us finding the appropriate base for our consumer need. We got links to Wikipedia, YouTube and other websites to browse on and find out more about technologies like Location based services, augmented reality and radio frequency identification. Also browsing through lists of already existing smart phone applications (Apple and Android) helped coming up with a concept. Both of these previously mentioned exercises helped developing the initial idea for my customer need narrowing it down to photo processing, mainly focussing on situations after a trip or holiday.

During the research process I came up with a number of ideas, but soon found out that most of them already existed and were even comparatively old. I also found it to be harder to improve an already existing idea, rather then coming up with a new idea, but which then turned out to not being as innovative as I thought.

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